Thursday, September 30, 2010

Paper and other lessons

So I am full steam ahead into settling into my life in Australia.

Here are a few lessons I've learned during my first week here:

1. Contrary to the suggestions on many expat blogs, Westpac does not require a letter from your US bank in order to open an account. All you need is a passport and $500 min. deposit (although the min amount requirement may vary at different branches).

2. In order to sign up for a mobile phone plan in addition to a proof of residency (welcome letter from a bank) you need a work telephone number--because they need to run a credit check. The best option for those just arriving is the pay-as-you-go option.

3. Australia uses a different paper size--well one that is used by most of the world except for America--A4. This can present a re-formatting nightmare. BE PREPARED.

4. Australia is not an "instant" country. When hooking up internet you have to wait 3-4 days from activation. (hence the all quiet on the blog front for the past few days).

5. Contrary to my belief that Australia is warm year round--it can get chilly. Sweaters are necessary accessories.


In the spring and summer months you can frequently catch a .... show during dinner :-) AMAZING. We had a delicious dinner at the Manta Restaurant in Woolloomooloo Wharf a caught a brilliant fireworks display over Sydney Opera house from our dinner table. It was breathtaking...
More brilliant moments to come....
and....we've moved into our new place! Photos to be posted shortly (once we get our courtyard set up...)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful! These details are very interesting. I'm up early dreaming of what wonder-full places you must be getting into... xoxo
